

prehisztorikus emlékeirõl, szász, normann és gótikus építészetérõl régiók szerint

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About the prehistoric sites, Saxon, Normann and Gothic Architecture of England

Slides altogether: 752 pieces

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Über prehistorische Bauten, sächsische, normannische und gotische Architektur von England

Dias insgesamt: 752 Stück

Für Klubs, Vereine, Kulturhäuser, Schulen: Wenn Sie einen Diavortrag bestellen wollen, schreiben sie bitte an die folgende Adresse:
  Észak-Anglia / North-England (161 dia / slides / Dias) York (68): Selby, York, Beverley, Rudston, Old Malton, Pickering
romos apátságok / ruined abbeys (32): Rievaulx Abbey, Helmsley, Ripon, Fountains Abbey
Durham és Cumbria (61): Durham, Hadrian's Wall, Long Meg and Her Daughters, Little Meg, Castlerigg, Lake District, Swinside
Közép-Anglia / Middle-England (300) Lincoln, Marton, Stow, Kingerby, Walesby (55)
Leicester, Kirby Bellars (17)
Chester, Lower Peover, Nether Alderley, Marton (49)
Chesterfield, Hardwick Hall (7)
Lichfield, Breedon-on-the-Hill (7)
Northampton, Earls Barton, Brixworth (21)
Southwell (29): Elston, Newark-on-Trent, Southwell
romos apátságok / ruined abbeys : Lilleshall Abbey, Ironbrodge, Buildwas Abbey, Much Wenlock, Mitchel's Fold, Haughmond Abbey (24)
Iffley, Rollright Stones, Hillesden (18)
Avebury complex (20)
Prehisztorikus emlékek Derby környékén / Prehistoric sites in Derbyshire (33)
Kelet-Anglia / East-England (133) Peterborough (43): Ketton, Fotheringhay, Peterborough, Crowland (43)
Cambridge (57): Boston, Castle Rising, Castle Acre, Cockley Cley, Barton Bendish, Ely, Cambridge, Long Melford, Bury St. Edmund, Grimes Graves, Swaffham Prior, Longstanton
Norwich, Hales és még 5 kerektornyú templom (+ 5 churches with round tower) (23)
St. Albans (10)
Dél-Anglia / South-England (158) Dover, Canterbury, Winchester, Salisbury, Stonehenge, Bath, Gloucester, Tewkesbury, Worcester, Stratford-on-Avon, Warwick, Oxford, Marlow, London