Romanika-kiskönyvtár - 37. szám / Leaflet “Romanika” Nr. 37

Erika Papp Faber

Shining Stars

Hungarian Martyr Bishops of the 20th Century

Budapest, 2024.



In the 20th century, Communism enriched the Hungarian Catholic Church with Eight Martyr Bishops. Seven of these we may already honor among the Blessed. In addition, there were three so-called “dry martyrs” who did not shed their blood, but endured persecution that amounted to real martyrdom. Just who are these Shining Stars?

About the title of this leaflet: “... be blameless and guileless ... in the midst of a depraved and perverse generation. For among these you shine like stars ...” Phil. 2:15

Front cover (A címlapon): Mosaic of Martyr Bishops, with Latin inscription, from the Hungarian Chapel in the Basilica of Divine Mercy, Cracow Poland. From right: Mindszenty József, behind him Apor Vilmos, as well as the Bishops of Transylvania.
Back cover (a hátsó borítón): Mosaic of Martyr Bishops, with Latin inscription, from the Hungarian. Chapel in the Basilica of Divine Mercy, Cracow, Poland. From left: Romzsa Tódor, next to him, in front, Gojdics Péter Pál; behind him, without halo, Chira Sándor and Orosz Péter.

Data of the leaflet (A könyv adatai):
16 pages (oldal)
28 colour (színes) and (és) 5 black and white photos (fekete-fehér kép)
form B6 (B6-os méret)
English language (angol nyelvű)
ISBN: 978 615 82514 5 0

Let us pray to those whom we may already honor on our altars, that we might be able to follow their strong and courageous witness! And let us pray for the beatification of the others too! They proved, by their lives and by their deaths, that Hungary has remained “Pannonia Sacra” – Holy Pannonia – even to our times!

The Hungarian version (A magyar változat):
Romanika-kiskönyvtár - 15. szám:      Papp Faber Erika: Ragyogó csillagok - XX. századi vértanú püspökeink (2022)

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